Saturday, 5 January 2013

Nanotechnology can eliminate Cancer in a decade or so: Prof. RP Tandon

Nanotechnology can eliminate Cancer in a decade or so: Prof. RP Tandon

“Cancer may nearly be eliminated in a decade or so with the help of Nanotechnology based Cancer treatments which are under development such as “Targeted Chemotherapy”, “Radiation Therapy” and “Hyperthermia”. Currently, detection and diagnosis of cancer usually depend on changes in cells and tissues that are detected by a doctor’s physical touch or imaging expertise. With the help of Nanotechnology, doctors would be able to detect the earliest molecular changes, long before a physical exam or imaging technology becomes effective.” remarked Prof. R. P. Tandon- Materials Laboratory at University of Delhi (MatsDU), Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi while sharing his views on “Role of New Materials in the Emerging Technologies” during the second day of the Seminar on “Nano-Pico Pharmaceutical & Invivgensome” organized at Amity University  in collaboration with World Academy of Biomedical Sciences & Technologies (WABT), Paris (France)

Emphasizing the role of Nanotechnology in the field of medicine, Prof Tandon highlighted that most animal cells are 10,000 to 20,000 nanometers in diameter and Nanoscale devices (less than 100 nanometers) can enter cells and the organelles inside them to interact with DNA and proteins. Tools developed through nanotechnology, therefore, may be able to detect diseases at initial stages”, opined Prof. Tandon

He stressed that nano- particles can be used to dissolve clots in the blood, which have already been tested by Harvard biomedical engineers who have designed drug-infused nanoparticles like platelets, so that they follow the blood flow into the vessels with clots and then release a drug called plasminogen activator, which dissolves those clots and the their leftovers biodegrade without harmful side effects.

Dwelling on the innovative and breakthrough devices that could be created with the help of Nanotechnology, Prof. Tandon shared that in near future there will be “Supercomputer”,perhaps made from silicon nanowires, carbon nanotubes, or organic materials such as DNA, very tiny motors, pumps, gyroscopes, and accelerometers;  helicopters of the size of flies or even smaller, Tiny bio- and chemical-sensors and artificial body parts and implantable drug delivery systems. All these devices will herald a new era of Nanotechnology in India.

Sharing her views on “Nano Toxicology and Risk Assessment” during the Seminar, Dr. Tanu Jindal- Director, Amity Institute of Environmental Toxicology, Safety and Management said, the growing applications of Nanotechnology pose significant threat to health and environmentToxic materials become more harmful when ingested or inhaled as nano particles. Enhanced strength, durability, flexibility, performance and inimitable physical properties associated with Nano- materials have been exploited in different industries and treatment modalities including detection of Tumour, targeted Drug Delivery and Prognostic Visual Monitoring of Therapy. With these applications, unparallel avenues of exposure to Nanoparticles in humans are likely. Ambient and workplace exposures in combination with other toxic agents may cause unpredictable adverse health effects, which if not addressed on time may lead to damaging health effects”. She remarked that Nanotechnology is a double-edge sword, the same novel properties making nanoparticles attractive, makes them potentially toxic. Particular care must be taken in Nanomedicine, since this area is where greater exposure would be present.

During the Valedictory session, the participants of the Seminar shared their valuable feedback with Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group to develop a Sustainable Action Plan out of the important proceedings of the Seminar.

During the occasion, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan announced the launch of “Amity Foundation for Pico-technology” which would have two and  for promoting the research in Nano- Picotechnology, giving a common platform to scientists and researchers across the country to synergize their efforts to develop breakthrough ideas and technologies. The Foundation will promote collective Intelligence amongst the scientist fraternity across the world Dr. Ashok K Chauhan would be the Chairperson of the Foundation and Dr. R P Singh- Director, Amity Institute of Nanotechnology would act as Vice- Chairperson of the Foundation

To promote, research in the field of Cancer, Dr. Chauhan also announced the launch of AMITY CENTRE FOR CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CANCER RESEARCH (ACCECR)

During the Session, all the participants unanimously advocated the cautious and judicious use of Nano- Pico technology and substances in Medical Science, taking into consideration the potential adverse effects these substances can cause to human bodies. In most of the Cancer related deaths, it cannot be ascertained whether the patient died of cancer or due to the side effect of the therapy or drugs administered to him. They share their concern about the increased use of carcinogens which are capable of inducing cancer in humans or animals after prolonged or excessive exposure. Ideas were mooted to speed up the research in the new areas of Picotechnology and Nano-Pico Pharmaceuticals for the benefit of human beings at large.

Also present during the Session were Prof. Sujoy K Guha- School of Medical Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and Prof. Alakananda Basu- University of North Texas, Health Science Centre who gave a very interesting lecture on “Targeting AKT-mTOR signaling in Breast Cancer”


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