Sunday, 12 June 2011

PDQ Physiology: Concise, up-to-date summary of Human Physiology


PDQ Physiology offers a concise, up-to-date summary of human physiology. It is an ideal resource for the more advanced physiology specialist and health professional requiring a quick view or review. Its perspective is one of integration while incorporating the current understanding in molecular and cellular physiology and offering up-to-date explanations of physiological phenomena. The reader will greatly benefit from the coverage of topics not found in most comprehensive physiology books. PDQ Physiology is more focused on significant points; more current in cardiac, renal, and muscle functions; and is more descriptive in sexuality, reproduction and birth.  
metabolic hyperbola, secretory effectors, stretch sensors, net filtration pressure, large alveoli, zona glomerulosa cells, intercalated cells, paracellular path, venular end, extracellular osmolarity, most vascular beds, cortical collecting duct, thin descending limb, third cerebral ventricle, small alveoli, basolateral side, theca cells, total peripheral vascular resistance, gating voltage, pituitary gonadotropes, initial lymphatics, thick ascending limb, myosin regulatory light chain, nucleus ambiguous, plasma phosphate

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