Sunday, 12 June 2011

Pharmacy Law & Practice


Pharmacy Law & Practice is suitable for both students and practicing pharmacists, the latest edition of this classic textbook provides comprehensive coverage of an essential component of the U.K. pharmacy curriculum: pharmacy law and ethics. Completely rewritten since the last edition to reflect the rapid pace at which this field moves, it offers a clear, readable and non-technical guide on balancing the needs of patients with the letter of the law. It explains what happens and why in a reader-friendly format, taking a problem solving approach, and even provides an introduction to pharmacy issues for solicitors and legal personnel. Any pharmacist, student, or regulatory authority will find it appropriate for either a serious study or for answering questions which occur in practice.
Pharmacy Law and Practice
* Adopts a unique approach discussing topics thematically rather than statute based
* Unlike competitor's, the style of the book is clear, accurate and succinct, avoiding long complex sentences which are so common in legal textbooks. The law is logically presented, even when it is complex or difficult, reasons for existence of law are discussed, and lack of clarity in the law is indicated where necessary.
* Includes the new and updated NHS pharmacy contract and discusses changes in many areas of relevant law
* Updated chapters on employment law, human rights, informed consent, confidentiality, and changes in the NHS structure
* Applicable for day-to-day use by community pharmacists and pharmacy students 
person lawfully conducting, relevant medicinal products, local pharmaceutical services, repeatable prescription, retail pharmacy business, homoeopathic medicinal product, formulary nurse prescribers, supplementary prescriber, homoeopathic products, safe custody requirements, supplementary prescribing, standard labelling requirements, registered pharmacy, patient medication records, minor relocation, pharmaceutical list, contraceptive substances, clinical management plan, pharmacy premises, patient group directions, statutory committee, marketing authorisation, general dental services, preliminary consent, acting sister

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